Put your phone away and go old school, writing down those flavors using real words, on paper in your own personal beer tasting notes book! Forget trying to squeeze your description into 100 characters in an app – write it out, doodle it, make notes in the margins. Color outside the lines!

We can even do custom beer tasting notes books from a box you supply.

We can even do custom beer tasting notes books from a box you supply.

Its easy! Using your hand, or otherwise similarly-enabled appendage, simply grasp your book and gently pass it to your friend, allowing he or she to peruse one or more pages of your reviews. This may be a good way to start up what used to be called a conversation, utilizing your vocal chords for something other than “Hey, Siri.”

Have more than one friend who is interested in your thoughts on the alcoholic beverages you enjoy? Now is the time to pull out your phone. Not at the bar, don’t be that guy. Or lady. Wait until you get home, or back to your office, and take a good picture of your notes under a decent light and post to your favorite social media site! Internet fame achieved!

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